Hawaiian Village Surfing Girl Mug

Hawaiian Village Surfing Girl mug

This glazed ceramic mug , most likely a reproduction of the Orchids of Hawaii R-80A Surfing Girl mug, was produced for the Hawaiian Village, a now-closed Polynesian restaurant located in New Westminster, BC, Canada. Hawaiian Village is mentioned on page 230 of Tiki Road Trip by James Teitelbaum and variants of this mug can be found on page 93 of Tiki Quest - Collecting the Exotic Past by Duke Carter.

This mug stands 6 3/4-inches tall and holds twelve ounces. On the front is brown-haired woman, wearing a blue bikini, riding a yellow surfboard. On the back are five dolphins jumping in the ocean. Also on the back are “Aloha”, “Hawaiian Village”, and “525-9222″.

Similar mugs in my collection include an Orchids of Hawaii R-80A Surfing Girl mug and an unidentified Surfing Girl mug.

Found in the Hawaiiana, Labeled, Mug, Polynesian Pop, and Tiki Collections.

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