Otagiri ‘Peanut’ Mug
This vintage mug by Otagiri is commonly called the “Peanut” mug because the texture on the back resemble that of a peanut. While particular mug is brown, the “Peanut” mug came in a variety of colors, such a tan, gray, and green. Many variations of this mug can be found with restaurant and bar names imprinted on them.
On the bottom of this mug is printed “Imported by Otagiri Co”. There also is a gold-colored sticker on the bottom with “OMC” and “Japan” on it.
This Tiki mug can be found on page 34 of Tiki Quest - Collecting the Exotic Past by Duke Carter.
Found in the Mug, Otagiri, Polynesian Pop, and Tiki Collections.