Orchids of Hawaii R-1 Headhunter Mug

green-colored Orchids of Hawaii R-1 Headhunter mugcream-colored Orchids of Hawaii R-1 Headhunter mug

These vintage Tiki mugs, produced by Orchids of Hawaii, feature the visage of a tattooed Maori headhunter.

These glazed ceramic mugs are 7-inches tall and hold 16 ounces. They came in three colors: green, cream, and brown. An identifying mark is the “Orchids of Hawaii” printed on the bottom of the mugs. These mugs were manufactured first in Japan and then Taiwan and typically have the country of origin printed on the bottom. Both of the above mugs were made in Japan. And, most, but not all, R-1 Headhunter mugs have “R-1″ printed on the bottom. If there are no markings other than “China” on the bottom, the mug is probably a Dynasty Wholesale mug.

Similar mugs in my collections include an unmarked brown Headhunter mug.

This mug can be found on page 13 of Tiki Quest - Collecting the Exotic Past by Duke Carter.

Found in the Mug, Orchids of Hawaii, Polynesian Pop, and Tiki Collections.

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