Pick-Nicollet Waikiki Room Postcard

Postcard depicting the Waikiki Room at the Pick-Nicollet Hotel

After seeing at this postcard for the Waikiki Room in the now demolished Nicollet Hotel, I wish I could travel back in time to dine at this long lost treasure of Polynesian Pop. The bamboo and rattan furniture, the green vinyl seats, and the bamboo roofs over the tables create an atmosphere of the exotic that is hard to find in modern day restaurants. I can imagine myself sitting on one of those green vinyl chairs and enjoying a Mai Tai while listening to the exotic sounds of Martin Denny.

On the back of this postcard is the following blurb:

Exotic Waikiki Room

As Hawaiian as the glowing splendor of Diamond Head . . . The Waikiki Room’s exciting tropical decor . . . its fabulous Polynesian cuisine and beverages have been imported directly from Hawaii to give you a thrilling new experience in dining pleasure.

The Pick-Nicollet
Minneapolis, Minn.

James Lileks, on his Mpls Long Gone site, has a collection of postcards for the Nicollet Hotel, Minneapolis.

Found in the Labeled, Polynesian Pop, Postcard, and Twin Cities Collections.

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